
Dalerio Consulting Adds Another Five-Star Review to Their Collection

Our goal when we created our vendor profile on the B2B platform Clutch was to spread the word about the quality of our services. We’re quite happy to say that we’ve achieved that goal and then some.

Our clients and partners have gone above and beyond in showing their support for our team. This latest five-star review is only one in a large collection of feedback that our team is proud to claim as a product of hard work and dedication to those we serve.

The company we were working with on this project was a Catholic University. They didn’t have the experience to manage and optimize their digital presence in-house. They need a reliable partner that can provide them with SEO and integrate their assets into social media campaigns.

The client was already familiar with our team and heard good things about our work. They made their decision to hire us after we presented our offer for the project.

After discussing all the requirements and goals for the project, we drafted and presented a plan that would take advantage of all the client’s strengths. After all the details were ironed out it was just a matter of execution and we think our five-star rating is a good indicator of our performance on that front.

Those who are interested in getting more details about the project are welcome to read the full review as well as the feedback on other projects on our Clutch profile. We do however want to highlight an important point that came about as a result of this review getting published.

Thanks to the support of our clients in giving us such high scores, we’ve been highlighted on The Manifest as the top 11 smart business answering service providers. For those unfamiliar with them, The Manifest is a B2B platform that creates rankings of the best performers in various industries.

This is a significant development for us as a company for multiple reasons. First, their high-traffic and B2B focused audience will make it easier to discover for potential clients. Second, our high placement on their rankings establishes us as one of the go-to teams in the industry. Finally, put these elements together and the likelihood of our getting selected for projects increases significantly.

Learn more about our services and why we’re getting so much praise for them by visiting our website. If we’re the kind of team you want in your corner, don’t wait another minute to contact us through any of our available channels.


Dalerio Consulting

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